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Hollie Chastain (Artist)

Hollie Chastain

Collage is a medium that I've really grown to love over the last few years. It’s a part of the art world that I didn't pay much attention to in my younger days, but, more recently, I've really started to appreciate the work that goes into creating such pieces. I've always been in awe of people who can see a photograph and complete reimagine it, which is what collage artists do every day! They aren't simply cutting and pasting, but using existing images to bring about new ideas.

One of those artists is today's contributor, Hollie Chastain! I am completely enamored with her work, in part because she often uses old book covers as her canvases! Working with found images on found paper, she is able to incorporate vintage materials into her work in a really special way. Her pieces feels so effortlessly composed, each one conveying it's own unique personality and story.

Hollie Chastain
Hollie Chastain
Hollie Chastain

Hollie Chastain

Hollie Chastain

I can’t get enough of Hollie's bold, colorful pieces! She's an expert at mixing great photos with bright colors, and her work always makes me smile. You can see more of Hollie's work online, via her website and on Instagram. You can also check out her book, If You Can Cut, You Can Collage, right here. Read on to learn all about her inspirations. Thanks, Hollie! ~Erin



Podcasts have become a huge part of my life over the last few years and I love all things historical and weird. I recently listened to Our Fake History: Who Was The Prince Of Humbugs covering P.T. Barnum. It is absolutely fascinating! Also Thom Yorke just made his solo work available to stream on Spotify, so I can get my Eraser fix on the go.



Last month I read Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders over the course of two days while on vacation. The surreal journey that this book led me through was intense in the best way. It picked me up and plopped me into a story that made me feel changed and haunted for awhile after. I highly recommend it to everyone, but especially those that like surreal and experimental fiction.

Lincoln in the Bardo



Given the current state (tragedy) of my government, the second half of this year has been an attempt to maintain an open mind and creative spirit while staying aware and active. Mining for weird and wonderful creative kick-starts leads down some rabbit holes that I want to set up house and live in. I know I am late to this party, but Alejandro Jodorowsky is giving tarot readings and I can't stop watching. (If you haven't checked out Jodorowsky's Dune drop everything and do so.) He's such a positive, funny, energetic, weird creative soul that never stops creating. I'm also currently tearing through season two of The Crown in the studio.

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